Ms JO HAYLEN (Summer Hill) (15:37): My motion should be debated because the Minister for
Transport and Roads owes the people of Sydney's inner west an explanation and he owes them an apology. His
great plan that region 6 had to be privatised to improve on-time running and reduce customer complaints has been
completely exposed. The data is out and it reveals that on-time running is worse under the Minister's chosen
private operator than it was under the State Transit Authority. Inner-west buses have not once met the Minister's
target of 95 per cent on-time running since he sold them off. Between January and April this year 90.5 per cent of
buses were on time under the private operator transit system compared to 93.5 per cent under STA. That is a
complete and total fail.

What about customer complaints? Residents have regularly reported buses with severe maintenance
problems, buses weaving down tiny residential streets completely lost, buses that have completely failed to turn
up, buses that have left primary school students standing on the side of the road and buses arriving without ramps
that are advertised as accessible services. Residents are asking, "If services were meant to improve under a private
operator, why have things got worse? Why has the Minister got it so wrong?" It is time the Minister for transport
admitted that selling our buses was never about on-time running. It was never about customer satisfaction. It was
always about his complete hatred of publicly run services and fulfilling this Government's ideological obsession
with privatisation. That is all it was about.

We have seen that this Government has sold off $70 billion worth of public assets. The question is: Where
has all the money gone? This Government has sold our poles and wires, Land and Property Information NSW,
our ferries, our buses, the Sirius building, disability services, ambulance stations, TAFE campuses and heritage
buildings—it has even sold things it has not finished building. It has even sold WestConnex. There is an incredibly
long list of things this Government has sold, but what has it got to show for it? It has $38 billion worth of debt.
We have higher electricity prices for working families across New South Wales. We have polluting toll roads,
with costs for western Sydney motorists that they will have to bear for generations. And now in the inner west we
have buses that do not even show up. We have buses that leave primary school students standing on the side of
the road. That is a complete and total fail. I say that the inner-west buses show that privatisation does not work.
The Minister for transport owes the people of Sydney's inner west an apology. And the Treasurer owes the people
of New South Wales a guarantee that he will not sell off any more of their public assets