I congratulate Marrickville West Primary School on hosting Autism Acceptance Spirit Week.
Over the last few decades, there has been considerable progress in ensuring people with autism are acknowledged, included and empowered to thrive, and I thank Marrickville West for working to ensure our schools are even more inclusive of people with neurodivergence.
During Autism Acceptance Spirit Week, Magnificent Mind Monday saw students wear a fun hat to encourage an understanding of the impacts autism has on the brain. The rest of the week followed with similarly themed days celebrating and acknowledging neurodiverse in ways that were fun, informative and affirming; Neurodiversity Tuesday, What's Your Passion Wednesday, Thursday Autism Acceptance Day and Sensory Friendly Friday. The week was all about awareness and encouraging students to embrace diversity and neurodivergence.
I warmly thank and congratulate the students, teachers, staff and families of Marrickville West Primary school on marking Autism Acceptance Spirit Week and acknowledge all young people in the Inner West who live with autism or are neurodivergent.