Ashfield Public School is one of 210 schools across New South Wales designated as high progress, with students demonstrating above-average progress in literacy, numeracy and reading. This will come as no surprise to parents and carers at the school, who have watched students go from strength to strength, thanks to the diligence, expertise and leadership of Principal Damien Moran. Part of the school's success is attributed to the introduction of early morning intervention groups, whereby teachers work with small groups of students needing additional support for 30 minutes each morning. However, those initiatives and targeted interventions are only part of the story. The school is known for its inclusive, compassionate and all-encompassing approach to education, where students are able to thrive, meet their full potential and build on their strengths. In all they do, the educators at Ashfield Public School seek to embody their school motto: Every child, every opportunity. I warmly congratulate Principal Damien Moran and his team of superb staff, the wonderful P&C and, most importantly, the students on their success.