Jo Haylen, Member for Summer Hill, welcomed today’s decision by the Baird Government to backflip on its controversial decision to force cyclists to carry identification.

The law was introduced along with fine increases for cyclists in the Government’s Going Together package, released in March this year. The measure requiring cyclists to carry ID drew the ire of cycling groups and was subsequently delayed until March 2017.

The Roads Minister today announced he was dropping the measure.

The Labor Opposition has led a number of roundtables and discussions with road user groups and is putting forward a detailed set of measures which included dropping the need for cyclists to carry identification.


Quotes attributable to Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill

“This is a win for common sense. Requiring cyclists to carry identification was bad policy made on the run.

“This Roads Minister has never understood that we need to get more people riding if we are to reduce congestion, improve public health and stop global warming.

“This is a great start but there is much more to be done, including making proper investments in cycling infrastructure and winding back the Baird Government’s ridiculous increases to cycling fines. 

“We need to get kids walking and riding to school. We need people out of their cars. None of that will be possible unless we make cycling in this city safer.

“The Metre Matters rule is a positive step towards that aim, but we need a more concerted education campaign to make sure the rule is properly understood.  

“We need a Roads Minister that respects cyclists. Despite today’s great announcement, the Roads Minister just isn’t up to the job.”