Affordable housing
My question to the Attorney General regarding NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal Tenancy Matters.
Affordable housing
My question to the Attorney General regarding the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Affordable housing
The Liberal Government has failed to introduce new residential tenancy laws to protect victims of domestic violence – more than 600 days after promising it would.
Affordable housing
A question on notice to the Minister for Family and Community Services, Minister for Social Housing and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault regarding tenancy transfers.
Affordable housing
A question to the Minister for Family and Community Services, Minister for Social Housing and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault regarding the sale of public housing.
Affordable housing
Renters deserve the security of tenure needed to make their house a home. Sign the petition today.
Affordable housing
Notice of Motion regarding No-Grounds Evictions.
Affordable housing
The Building Products (Safety Bill) 2017 is a long overdue attempt to address the significant concerns of residents and construction experts surrounding the use of unsafe building products, in particular flammable aluminium cladding.
Affordable housing
One in three people in NSW would benefit from a clearer set of rules around the termination of rental properties as detailed in Labor’s latest announcement on making housing affordable and fair.
Affordable housing
- Renters will no longer be subject to unfair evictions under a Foley Labor Government, which has today committed to protecting tenants and working with industry on making it a fairer system.