A question to the Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans:
  1. Will the Government return the $9.7 million underspent in the 2017-18 financial year and $13.2 million underspent in the 2018-19 financial year Active Kids voucher program from professional sports to programs designed to encourage kids to participate in sport?
  2. Were organisers of the T20 Cricket World Cup (which received $4.8 million), NSW Institute of Sport (which received $3 million), 2018 Commonwealth Games Team Appeal (which received $500,000), Netball World Cup (which received $1 million), and other professional sport events made aware that the money they received was funded by underspending on the Active Kids program?
  3. What correspondence has the Minister or Department received from these organisations since media made them aware of the fact?


When available, the answer can be found here.