When one thinks about Marrickville one thinks about the Red Devils. For 70 years the club has represented the inner west on the football field and engaged adults and countless kids in health and sport. The club celebrated its seventieth year last week at an event in Marrickville. It was a packed house at the Ritz, including many life members and past players. It was the perfect way to acknowledge the vital contribution the club makes to our local community. The club has an incredible history, boasting thousands of members. It runs the popular Red Devils Football Academy and calls Mackey Park in south Marrickville home. A highlight of the night was joining with Federal member Anthony Albanese to acknowledge Ron Royston, who was awarded an OAM for his dedication and service to football and sport in the inner west. I congratulate everyone at the club on a successful 70 years and particularly congratulate the current executive, under the leadership of President Gary Schmidt and Secretary Walker Tapia. Also I congratulate Georgina and Theodora on coordinating such a fantastic celebration.