I wish to extend my congratulations to all the Class of 2023 across my Summer Hill electorate. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) is not an easy year but there is no better reward than when it is complete! In particular I acknowledge the outstanding efforts of three local students who came first in the state in their courses: Nicole Joanna Tapang from Casimir Catholic College - 1st in Filipino Continuers; Christian Ciarroni from Trinity Grammar School - 1st in Mathematics Advanced; Ana Julia Farias Borba Paiva from Marrickville High School - 1st in Portuguese Continuers. What a wonderful recognition of the countless hours of hard work that you no doubt put in across many years to achieve these results. Congratulations and thanks also to your wonderful teachers and family and friends who have guided and supported you along the way. Congratulations Nicole, Christian and Ana and all the Class of 2023!