Labor says the Berejiklian Government must do better than apps, goodwill and stickers, after announcing a Sydney CBD-centric transport ‘plan’ that fails to include any measures for Regional NSW and the Greater Sydney region.
Labor Shadow Minister for Transport Chris Minns said: “This morning the Berejiklian Government said that they would slash capacity on public transport, tell people to look at 24 hour old travel data on apps before going to work, and rely on goodwill and stickers. Well they’re going to have to do better.
“While Labor supports appropriate social distancing measures, we know that in some parts of NSW, like in the Illawarra real-time travel data isn’t available. It has not been explained how someone in Newcastle, the Blue Mountains or Wollongong is supposed to rely on old data and goodwill to know if they can safely board a train to work?
“The Berejiklian Government needs to release a comprehensive public transport plan that includes surging the number of public transport workers, at stations telling people whether there is capacity for them to safely board trains, buses and ferries.”
Mr Minns also questioned why the Berejiklian Government waited until after travel restrictions were eased to introduce public transport guidelines.
“While other countries have had public transport plans in place for weeks, we’ve been waiting weeks for our plan. They should have had something in place two weeks ago.”
Labor Shadow Minister for Roads John Graham said: “The Berejiklian Government has encouraged more people to jump in the car and drive to work, but they’ve only opened one overflow carpark, fifty minutes’ walk from the Sydney CBD.
“This is half a plan, for less than half the state’s commuters. There’s nothing in this plan for people in Parramatta, Campbelltown, Penrith or Hornsby. And there’s certainly nothing if you live further away in the Illawarra, Hunter, Blue Mountains or the Central Coast.“
Mr Graham also said that the roll out of automated pedestrian traffic lights must be sped up.
“So far we’ve only seen automated traffic lights deployed in the Sydney CBD, and around some health precincts. What about everyone else in the State who needs to get the kids to school, visit a pharmacy or get to work? The Berejiklian Government needs to move faster.”
Labor Shadow Minister for Active Transport Jo Haylen said: "Cycling is clearly part of the answer to Sydney’s congestion problems during and post the Covid-19 pandemic. Thousands of Sydneysiders have dusted off their bikes and want to keep riding safely because it’s a cheap, healthy and clean option. It’s up to the Berejiklian Government to make that possible for everyone else in the State now.
"Despite the fact that most people work outside the Sydney CBD, the Berejiklian Government has failed to commit to bike-lanes outside the inner city.
"The Berejiklian Government's own people have done the work and know we need over 6,000km of bike lanes across 27 strategic centres to beat congestion over the next 36 years; we have an opportunity to get started on that now, and 10km in the middle of Sydney just isn't going to cut it."