World Refugee Day on 20 June is a reminder of the ongoing plight of refugees. Around the world, every minute 20 people flee their home and leave everything behind to escape war and persecution. This World Refugee Day, I acknowledge the inner west activists and groups who are fighting for a more just and humane immigration system in Australia. The Bread and Butter Project based in Marrickville employs and trains newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers teaching them a value life and job ready skill- baking. Trainees are provided with on-site training, English language tutoring and a TAFE accreditation to become an accredited baker. Mums for Refugees brings together passionate inner west mums who are advocating for compassionate immigration policies and for ending indefinite detention. Metro Assist in Ashfield provides a range of services to recent migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees, including employment support, family and settlement services. The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre provides links to accommodation, legal advice and financial aid among a range of other supports services. Thank you to all the passionate inner west residents for their advocacy and support for refugees and asylum seekers. I stand with you.