Jo Haylen, the Member for Summer Hill, condemned news that demolition of properties in Ashfield for Westconnex is due to begin next week.

“This will be a huge construction zone, marking the beginning of a long period of destruction and disruption to build a road no-one in the Inner West wants,” said Ms Haylen.

“I’m also concerned that residents living as close as 150 metres away from the site appear not to have been informed,” Ms Haylen said.

Letters were sent to residents this week advising of the work, with demolition extending from Bland St to Orpington St on the south side of Parramatta Road.

The work is due to take 6 weeks, from 7am – 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am- 1pm on Saturday.

The site will serve as one of the construction sites for the dive-structures and cut-and-cover tunnels, seeing 90 heavy vehicles per day and 90 light vehicles per day, according to the Environmental Impact Statement.

The EIS also shows that the maximum number of construction workers per shift will be 75 people at the site.

“Before work has even begun, what is absolutely clear is that Westconnex is a waste of money and will do little to solve Sydney’s congestion problem,” Ms Haylen said.

“Along with other local Labor representatives, I‘ll be monitoring the work closely to hold Mike Baird to his word that residents won’t be adversely affected,” Ms Haylen said.

“The community made good recommendations on how the impacts of construction could be mitigated and Mike Baird refused to listen.”

“I’ll keep fighting for residents and my office is always available to help,” said Ms Haylen.”