Labor MP’s Sophie Cotsis (Canterbury) and Jo Haylen (Summer Hill) have written to NSW State Government ministers responsible for transport and roads, asking for an extension to the deadline for consultation on the “Bus rationalisation program.”

The program will remove 18 bus stops on the 412 route, 6 on the 428, 5 on the 423 and 2 on the 426. Some of the bus stops are in close proximity to nursing homes, schools and child-care centres.

Many CALD residents have complained that information has only been provided in English, while elderly residents have complained about the process to comment, which is mainly conducted online and by phone.

Letters to affected residents have only been sent in the past week, leaving only a short time for comment.

The plans have outraged residents, who will have to walk further to catch buses. The removal of stops will make it harder for people with disability, parents with prams and elderly residents to catch the bus.


Comments attributable to Sophie Cotsis MP, Member for Canterbury

“This move is just typical of this Government. Rather than try to encourage more people to use public transport, this Government just wants to make life harder for our local community.

“This is nothing more than a band aid solution to a much bigger problem the Government has no plans to address.

“The Government is not making a concerted effort to consult with people with a disability, the elderly or our multicultural community.

“These are the people who will be most affected by the closure of these bus stops and who may have the greatest difficulty being able to participate in this sham consultation process.”


Comments attributable to Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill:

“If these changes go ahead, some of the most vulnerable people in the community will find it a lot harder to get around.

“Ironically, these are the very people who are finding it harder to participate in the consultation process. The Government has a duty to make sure the process is as open and transparent as possible.

“Extending the consultation process will allow the whole community to properly assess these plans and understand how it would affect them.”