Jo Haylen today cautiously welcomed news that Ausgrid has committed to reducing the cutback of inner west trees, but called for greater accountability around the contractors used by Ausgrid to manage the trees.

The Inner West Council reported the news in a press release earlier today.

Ms Haylen and Jamie Parker MP co-hosted a meeting of angry residents in Haberfield earlier this month, with over 120 people in attendance.

Council representatives took part, however, Ausgrid declined an invitation to attend.

The news comes after months of calls to Ausgrid and the Baird Government asking them to stop what locals dubbed the Haberfield Chainsaw Massacre.


Quotes from Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill

“This is fantastic news, but is a case of too little, too late for many of these trees.

“It’s clear that Ausgrid’s use of cowboy contractors has to end.

“The guidelines were ignored before and I’m worried they’ll continue to be ignored.

“Ausgrid says they’ll work with Council to replace trees that die as a result of their pruning, but it shouldn’t have come to that in the first place.

“We need to take a hard look at the guidelines and seriously consider long-term options to protect these trees.

“We need to think about bundling wires, undergrounding wires, and getting back to a place where we respect our natural and built environment.

“Our urban environment is losing out under the Baird Government because they’ll always put the environment behind making a quick buck.”